about art thoughts links

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✦ sloooooowly working on my game shelf, so many ideas so little effort applied to actually making them. first shrine doa - march 10 2024(also just realized I've been putting 2023)

✦ put my incremental game review page up, really just an excuse to replay thru games under the guise of something slightly "productive" - february 16 2023

✦ added a page for all my picrews and am currently working on a video game page with fancy hover zoom - february 16 2023

✦ several days of botched css later I think I am getting the hang of it, I have my sketchbook and manga pages updated and working properly™ and I have a cute pink cursor now :3 - february 13 2023

✦ working on adding art pages, begrudgingly learning css as well as things that changed about html since the last time I touched it. - february 10 2023

Last Updated: 02/16/2024